Sale of Animals CHA Shows
All animals which change hands at a CHA shows will be required to go through the CHA show sale process and must meet the CHA sales requirements. This is for people selling their youngsters, for people adopting/selling their older hamsters, and for people placing/adopting/selling rescues.  All animals are included.

The CHA has adopted the IHANA Code of Conduct and Breeder Code.  Please review these codes at
Code of Care and Breeders Code   All CHA breeders who sell their animals at a CHA show or use the CHA name on their website or in the promotion of their hamsters must abide by these codes.

The CHA requires that a minimum price be charged for all hamsters changing hands at CHA shows. For hamsters under 6 months of age the minimum is $10. The minimum price for hamsters over 6 months of age is $5.  Again, this is a minimum, and you may charge more.

The CHA reserves the right to refuse to allow the sale of any animal at any time and/or refuse to sell to any prospective buyer at any time. All animals will be health checked. Animals deemed in questionable health, and those who are small, scrawny, or in poor condition will not be sold. Runts or babies from large litters will require a few extra days to comply.  Please take this into account and bring them when they are older.  There are no exceptions to these rules. Please do not bring under-aged animals. Due to the stress on them, they will be placed in another area out of the main traffic areas.

CHA Sales Requirements:

1. Hamster belongs to the seller   
2. Seller is a paid and current CHA Member   
3. Hamster is a minimum of 4 weeks old for Dwarves and 5 weeks old for Syrians
4. Hamster has been in the seller's care for a minimum of two weeks    
5. Hamster has not been exposed to any new hamsters during the two-week period prior to this show    
6. Hamster has not shown any symptoms of illness, disease, or parasites for a minimum of two weeks    

CHA Sales Process:

All animals changing hands at a CHA show must be entered in the show. Entry deadlines and fees apply. Entry fee exceptions will be made for a limited number of rescue animals. Those wishing to place rescue animals must contact Linda Price ( a minimum of two weeks prior to the show.

Sellers must completely and accurately fill out a Show Sales Form for EACH animal they are selling prior to check in at the show. Each sales animal will be assigned a sales pen number. This number will be placed on their Show Sales Form, on a Judges Comment form, and on a visible sticker identifying the show pen as containing an animal for sale.

Sales Hamsters will be health checked and entered in the show per CHA show procedures. After they are judged and commented on, sales animals will be moved to the sales table. All sales will take place from the sales table ONLY. Sellers are welcome to request that buyers speak to them directly about the purchase of an animal, however sales will be conducted by sales table staff.

All buyers will receive the top portion of a completed Show Sales Form with each animal purchased. After sales are complete CHA sales table staff will provide Seller with the money collected and the bottom portion of the completed Show Sales Form as a receipt. CHA is not responsible for bounced checks or any disagreements or problems with animals changing hands at CHA shows.

Seller may chose not to sell an animal once judging is complete. Any ribbons won by sales animals may be kept by seller or given to buyer if seller so chooses.
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