CHA Dwarf Guide Standards
Black Campbells Guide Standard (aa)


Top Coat:  Black
Undercoat:  Black
Belly Fur:  Black
Feet:  White
Eyes:  Black
Ears:  Dark gray, paler at rims

Arches:  None
Dorsal Stripe: None

Note: A small white chin stripe and/or a small amount of white silvering is permissable and shall not be heavily penalized.
The CHA currently has five dwarf guide standards:  the Black standard, the Blue standard,  the Mottled standard, the Moscow standard, and the Black-eyed Argente standard.  Others will be added when needed.
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Blue Campbells Guide Standard (aadd)


Top Coat:  Steel blue-gray
Undercoat:  Steel blue-gray
Belly Fur:  Steel blue-gray
Feet:  White
Eyes:  Black
Ears:  Dark gray, paler at rims

Arches:  None
Dorsal Stripe: None

Note: A small white chin stripe and/or a small amount of white silvering is permissable and shall not be heavily penalized.
Mottled Campbells Guide Standard (MoMo, Momo, or Mimi)
(This standard is currently in proposed status for a BHA standard.)

1.  The mottled is a bi-coloured animal.  The markings shall consist of a balanced patttern of colour and white, broken into equal size patches or spots, spread in an attractive pattern randomly over the whole body and head.  These areas shall be clear and distinct with no brindling.

2.  The white areas shall be white to the roots.

3.  The coloured areas shall conform to the recognised corresponding full coloured variety.

4.  Eye colour -- as for full coloured variety, also ruby/red eye or eyes permissible.

5.  Ear colour -- as for full coloured variety, also flesh or partly flesh coloured permissible.

6.  The dorsal stripe shall be clearly visible on patches of colour that cross the spinal area from head to tail.

NB  Breeding Mottled to Mottled can produce anaopthalmic (eyeless) whites and is strongly discouraged. 

Note:  For more information, see
Mottled Article.
Two new standards will be introduced for the January 2003 show.  You can click to go to these new standards.

Moscow Campbells Guide Standard

Black-eyed Argente Campbells Guide Standard